TSXV:EPO.H - Post by User
Post by
jerrythejuiceron Jul 21, 2011 10:35am
Post# 18856287
its been all fibs by the pumping fibsters
its been all fibs by the pumping fibsters
all the new epoittes have listened to pumper fibs
now the time has come again to listen to non fibs
non fib number 1
the tle land vote in october will go down in flames
native peoples have had enough of the fibs
potash mining is exteremly destructive to lands to which can not be repaired
non fib 2
native peeps know a mine 10 years off will benefit few native peoples with jobs so close in approximation to urban pops
non fib 3
homelands mining will not happen witin 10 years if ever
enviromental red tape eguanna monster will bite epo in the azz on that one
non fib 4
epo is being pumped on fibs so pumper fibsters can sell to dimwits who also become pumpers who become fibsters in hopes to make profit
non fib 5
the big potash producers have it all locked up
in less than 2 years ther will be so huge the stock piles of potash compared to world demand and world ability to pay
little potash hopefuls like epo have no chance gaining a foothold.
non fib6
in light of non fib5 and others
no guv funding will transpire for epo
especilly not in cashed strapped fiscal times
non fib 7
epo is the lead fibber of all things on ther agenda goink good
when all those things can and will only turn out bad
the indicators is irrefutable
non fib number 8
the pumper fibsters pump the fibs of the lead fibsters
only harder and add more fibs to the bubbling cauldron of epo fibs stew