RE: Sinclair's PredictionI followed Sinclair for years and always his timing was off, I also predicted gold would go higher, I was buying all the silver on Ebay at $5 an ounce when no one else was because I knew the price would go up. Like Sinclair I thought it would happen much quicker than it did. Price predictions are easy, this was a no brainer. Timing is everything.
As an investor I worry about a liquidation from the markets like 2008.
I love ATC to death and hope they have their day in the sun, I also hope the U.S. can change policy before they fall into the abyss. I still believe there is hope for America.
If they stop all wars abroad, end the Fed, end the IRS, return to gold standard and return to small government, we still stand a chance. The Ron Paul movement is gaining traction in the U.S. because the people are ready to listen, he might be banned by the mainstream but when he gets huge cheers at a debate in SC while talking about legalizing heroin, it tells me America is ready for change.
I predict Ron Paul will win in 2012 and he will return the U.S. to a sound economy.
He will become the savior of the earth.
Until then I am not sure what will happen with anything.