RE: RE: RE: you people are dumbcongratulation. I hope you take money from Northern. I'm 29, and have a dayjob. Stock Trading is like high stakes poker for me. It's an intellectual, and fun way to make cash. But I don't gamble. I've seen stocks go up 10x a few times from the sidelines. And I've seen stocks go up 5x, then crash (gold plays, INT, BFD).
It'll happen again. Just learning for the next time.
I said CUU was a piece of sh*t stock when it was @ .80. and saw it run up to 2.80. I'm still waiting for TCK.b to reject the buy in offer for the Shcraft Creek project, and CUU share price to collapse. In the short term, I may be wrong, but it's the long term, that may prove me right, and before I reassess my logic. Daytraders are it in for the short term. But I can't sit at the computer all day, nor would I want to.
If you made 5x this play, awesome. I've seen it many times. I've also seen people get burned by pump n dumps. It's just another table at the casino. You learn from every play.