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Nobilis Health Corp. C.HLTH

Primary Symbol: N.HLTH Alternate Symbol(s):  NRTSF

Nobilis Health Corp is a full-service healthcare development and management company. It owns and operates healthcare centers and facilities and provides minimally invasive procedures to patients and also utilizes direct to patient marketing and proprietary technologies to drive patient engagement and education. The firm also provides its services to its medical facilities as well as to third parties as a stand-alone service. The company has Medical and Marketing reportable business segments and

NEO:HLTH - Post by User

Bullboard Posts
Comment by spring2010on Jul 23, 2011 1:28pm
Post# 18865022

Rodger why not use July 2011 holdings

Rodger why not use July 2011 holdingsWhy are you using March 2011 when company presentation for July 2011 is out for your standard answer just stupid not to be using current and public info.
Bullboard Posts