IRAN- Sorros went on live televison half a year ago and said "Iran will be wiped out by the end of 2011."
-Big things are going to happen over there this fall and i think that all of that uncertainty is going to be expelled within the year.
'-Therefore, savy people knew that this major geo-political uncertainty had to be removed before LFD could ever unleash its potential.
- therefore, those that know this have never sold a share, those that have no clue why this thing 'nominally' has never moved an inch for the past 4 years will sell and move on because its not that they fear risk, its just the are brainwashed to think that systemic risk is bad - unless we control the systemic risk which Sorros does. that is his mandate as Illuminati. His mandate is to pave geo-polical areas into a habitable jew loving country.
-get ready is all i can say.