our time is hereFellow Lakers-
In my 3 years of holding Doogie Lake I have never ever been more optimistic than right now. We have the right people in place, a team of super high quality folks who have taken the proper steps to insure success. As we speak the drills on the one property are turning 24 HOURS A DAY and the next property to be on board in days. We have 2 four man crews on each site and have assembled a team of top notch geologists and mining folks. As far as I'm concerned gold is in the bottom of the 2nd inning and the prices we'll seein a few short years will make 1600 dollar good look like chump change. Many, many eyes are on us waiting for our results on the drills, Canaco has made sure of that. We've finally come out of the other side, when there were many sleepless nights when I thought what have I done by overloading the boat on one Harp rumour after another.
No more rumours or overpromising -just good people running what I believe may become the most sought after junior exploration company on the planet.
All of this IMHO but there's a whole new feeling to this--this time it's more than just a feeling.