Loving the View up from low 2's
June 20th, posted the same subject but from 1.70... so far so good eh?...
Call me crazy again, but had to pick up more at 2.10 today ... why not? (Blade - please do not reply...)
F5 rumour is now gone.. and makes sense.
- ALLT needs 70M and do not have it in cash.
- SVC has 80M on reserve
- SVC - surpassing new customer wins HANDS DOWN.
Fine, News on Greece, US debt AUG 2nd, whatever... drags markets... but at the end of the day, what is the last thing the planet will stop paying for... the internet and Sandvine is the key to managing the never ending growth in traffic! Highways need to be better managed before lanes are added...
Be long and prosper.
2011 is the key hurdle.
2011-07-27 15:18 EST SVC 2.10