RE: come'n BOB, think of the, when You were cashing those $675,000 annual salary cheques, when other MORE competent CEOs
like, John Goodman( whose company makes money, increasing shareholder value) were giving themselves
$250,, when competent board members, like Colin Malett did, during YOUR Chairmen musical chairs
episode, not knowing vital info, and like, cashing out at .34 cents a share, like when before wanting to spend time
with family- execs, like play/day traded, not knowing, like that IT WAS ILLEGAL! like, come on BOB, even though
You own a pittance of shares, ( probably having cashed out with Paladin, 3SBio, ILJIN) like think of the shareholders
YOU HAVE BEEN #&#%!!!! for over 13 years! THEN again, WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND!