Chinese looking for Mn in Africa...It is a bit outdated but we all know that china is investing heavy into Africa for grain, coal etc. and... manganese.
Interesting read... China is buying into second largest manganese producer...
good to see the other big boys in the game... and if everything works out well for AMY... advantage AMY for the low cost... but still there is a hell of a lot to do for a mega project like this...
does anybody know how much the Plants for the EMM will cost?
"April 7th, 2009 : The first stone was laid at the futureMetallurgical Complex of COMILOG, a 67%-held ERAMET subsidiary based inMoanda (Gabon). The project consists of a silicomanganese plant with65,000 ton annual capacity and a 20,000 ton per year manganese metalplant. The Complex will benefit from the Gabonese government'sdevelopment of a new hydroelectric plant as part of the upgrading of thenational electricity grid. Capital expenditure for the MoandaMetallurgical Complex will total €200 million, spread over the 2009-2013period ; if all the required conditions are met."
when I hear 200 million euro... that is hugh... how about AMY?