The facts,, as we see them...Gold went up $62.00 an ounce today and this stock goes up a penny? Someone knows something,,,, . FYI gold is now trading at 6X what it was when this “deal” started. Yet, the stock is trading at ¼ of its high.
Every time I think about what it will take to get a mine, I’m reinforced by the facts. Does anyone think the DNR will be as easy on Aquila (or one of the many LLC’s, Back forty joint venture) as they were on Kennecott? No, they won’t. Thanks to taking what they didn’t own and selling it TQ, RL and HK gave us a shot at the DNR. Litigation city first stop DNR…. Next stop, impacted land owners who actually owned what TQ, RL and HK claimed to own.,.. Want to close a road… litigation highway…. How about the affected land owners??? More litigation,,,, How about the County Park? Shakey Lakes savannah, an area of federal and state recognized endangered and threatened species? More litigation,, Not done yet, the People in Wisconsin (this this is on the boarder) and the Federal EPA as the border is a boundary water,,,,, Not to mention a bunch of pissed off stock holders who litigate when they find out they bought a project where the alleged owners didn’t own what they claimed to own? Regardless of what you think you will have people And therefore lawyers crawling out of the woodwork wanting a piece of the litigation action.. I bet that means numerous and extended litigation…… Heck, I know a land owner who is ready with a number of issues,,, each one ready to go at its own time and pace…one to begin with and when that winds down another, etc. etc. etc. Ask any Michigan lawyer, litigation in Michigan takes an average of 4-years before it’s settled. If done properly litigation could draw this thing out for 20-years or more. Let’s see, land values in Lake Township have gone up 70X in the past 40-years. But, in this case it will be even more as they found gold and precious metals…. and gold is gone up 6X in the past 10-years after being about the same for 25-years prior proving inflation the rate of inflation. Woo, that’s a big number… and one that will be used more than once by more than one party. Think of what the damages will be? Another 40-years with the inflation we’re headed into…. BIG BUCKS… No jury in the world will rule that an impacted land owner shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy their property, peace and quiet,,, no dust, noise, vibrations, traffic, Light, water table being gone,,,, and more…. So, every time gold goes up I feel good knowing that the greedy want this to happen even more ….and they won’t get it! … WITH A BIG SMILE J