GREY:BIXZF - Post by User
Post by
gadfly222on Aug 08, 2011 11:13pm
Post# 18919924
Reality vs Supposition..
Reality vs Supposition..I do not think anyone on this board knows what is going on ... my assumption is that CC got the 'go' because of non-performance of the company and the SP ...this is common under such sig. degrees of non-performance on many fronts... ...
what I do not know is how much CC had to do with 'operational production and/or financial non-preformance (I hope a lot and he was a real burden to operational performance) ...again I hope that no other Sr. Engineer or
Henry Linsert Jr.leaves for any reason... if would be good if BioExx would clarify but that will not happen ...
I'm looking for a high bridge at this point... lost a lot... not crying in my soup - my responsibility... pretty focked though ...