Wonder if they will grease us first.....???Guess we will soon find out........what they have not been telling us..........probably just the folks that have been selling!
I wonder how much will be blamed on the weather/flooding/longer break-up???
Hoping for the best....but got a bad feeling......I sold a good chunk a few days ago @2.24, bought it back Monday @1.93, that may have been a big mistake....this thing (stock) has just been under performing for too long.
Please god.....don't let them raise more shares or borrow more money.....if everything is so great........make em earn it!!!!!
Sure would be nice to see more analysts covering this thing.
These guys are just to quiet usually = bad news. Just get me to $2.25 one more time.....please!
Time to get a bit of sleep.....
Well...good luck to us all !!!