50% NSR to fancamp?On Fancamps homepage we can read about their interests in properties.
This is what it says on their homepage for La Blache
Argex Silver Capital Inc.
La Blache
9,000,000shares (escrowed for 48 months beginning October 30th,2009)
2% NSR on the La Blache Deposit for thefirst 2 years of production rising to 4% NSR thereafter, buyback up to50% NSR for $1.5 M advance royalty of $100,000 a year beginning at theend of year 3 (October 30th 2012).
But I don't really understand the words in bold.
Does Fancamp have an option to increase their NSR to 50% for $1.5M? That sounds too good to be true... for Fancamp. What does advance royalty mean?
Is the option unlimited or only during the end of 2012?
Wish my native language were English )