News!! Sales, yeah.I guess i better get my sorry butt back into CMK. Was never negative on Cline, but markets scaring me. A few cents does not matter to me one way or the other when this puppy will be worth $5 to $8 in a year or so, if the world holds together.I Think I will be buying cautiously again tomorrow.
KB told me in our call. awhile back, a bunch of samples had gone out to US companies, so I am guessing that is who the buyer is, for now. Like he said when they have some news they will release it. GLTA and congrates to the brave souls who did not pull the trigger and sell, like me. Cost me friggin $40k on CMK alone.
It will be an interesting couple of months. Keeping interest rates low does not seem like much of a solution, wasnt that the problem last time, cheap money? When will these blockheads learn, sometimes you need to do both, cut spending and raise taxes some. Marin ddid that in Canada and gave us a balanced bugets with huge surpluse tyhen the friggin subprime BS, cheap money for people who should be renters. And whose program launched that disaster, yes Bush Jr. a friggin Republican, how quickly those Republicans forget. They were all enjoyed the rush of instant equity in their homes and are now all squacking about the problem from their own policty. They are a bloody joke. Capitalism is great till the shat hits the fan and then they are crying corporate welfare cases. Makes me sick, they have to turn everything into a commodity to exploit. JMHO GLTA