RE: RE: RE: Kinggeorge31 has many wivesBut you are missing the point again. You really are. You keep bringing up the same old stories Old stories with old problems. is there a secret technology that you know of that the rest of us have missed out on that was invented and improved over time without early problems that had to be overcome? Ever read the history of the light bulb? You would have had a field day back then, I suspect!
I'm assuming you understand the stock market at least a little. Stocks do not go up and down based on what happened last year or in most of your examples, years ago. They reflect what is happening today and what is believed to happen tomorrow. So please stop wasting our time with the history lessons. That's not what people want to know or need to know to get value out of these forums. Bashing with old news is too simple. Use this opportunity to improve yourself. If you add value, you won't even have to use large colorful fonts to get your posts some attention.