Panic-RevisedI used the same title as my post I made on Aug 8.11. I was buying this puppy up at $5.60. As I said then and i'll say again. Stocks are (IMHO) 95% mental and a lot of people lost there minds during the recent correction. If you were buying WFE at $7.50- $8.00 dollar range then why wouldn't you buy this at these levels or lower. This company continues to beat estimates and is in great position as far as financials. Great program and more results will be coming shortly. September is the start of oil seasonal strength and I still think these guys are cheap at these levels. I am not promoting this stock in anyway but I feel that " Bullboards" should be used for the right reason and that is trying to give each other information/insight that can make the average person a buck or two......We are already fighting the big guys so lets help each other out.!!!!!!!!! Last point- look at the WFE chart and tell me this stock is not hitting $7.00 again. I'll see ya'll when we get there.