RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Some questions for everyoneDoes not believe that they have such a deposit, I believe, Crystalene... It seems a tad exceptional, and it would certainly be to their advantage to boast such a thing to try to influence moly prices if they are trying to import because they do not have enough. Given their penchant for patent infringe ments, and other less than ethical tactics, I would not put it past them.
At any rate, I am not going to worry about it, because, as like chromite (similar market - supply/demand - dynamics) it also about supply control, and others (countries) will want to secure their own supplies, as who knows what the Chinese would do with theirs, even if they have it. In others words, the rest of the world needs it own supply independent of China... The big players do not necessarily look at the near-term when making strategic acquisitions. If the price is right, they will secure long-term supplies such as Cliff's recently did with the Ring of Fire chromite - there are many decades of supply there, and its not like there was an immediate or current desperate shortfall in world supply of chromite.
Endako, as we know has been mined for decades, when moly prices were low and China was not a factor in supply/demand. If LWC proves-up something similar to Endako, given the location and existing infrastructure, you can be sure that this will be a valuable and desired asset for any consumers/producers of moly. In addition, if Endako has been in operation for decades, then presumbaly it can continue for more decades as long as it has economic supply (moly ore) available... If LWC defines a high grade surface deposit in Delta, then perhaps that would at some point become part of TCM's portfolio of moly ore. Anyway, the point is, if it has the right characteristics, somebody will want it... High-grade, at surface, high recovery rates, and excellent location are pretty favourable characteristics. The key now is more tonnage with grades like we have been seeing at Delta.
These are my thoughts... Anyone is invited to critique.