Donald Christensen hummmmm ??These email blasts were sent out in Feb/11 to selected shareholders only and then in June /11 the original news came out from the public company.
Buying the shares directly from Global 8 puts the money in the treasury for get the company started. I have attached a copy of the promissory note to be used to transmit the money to Global 8. As you can see, you are essentially buying shares of stock at the current price of .01/share. As Ed Severese and John Hallman do their job the price of the stock will start rising and you can sell some of your existing stock to recover this start-up investment money. Then wait for the real return as the company continues to grow.
Certainly you want to recover your original investment and this sounds like a slam dunk to me. I have mailed, Global 8,a check equivalent to 10% of my original investment. We need to raise $18,000.00 (see Tad's plan) to get Global 8 operational. Mail your check today and let's get Severese and Hallman working for us.
Any questions feel free to call Tad Simmons at 760-390-8350 or myself at 386-758-3839.
Thank you for you consideration and involvement.
Donald Christensen, a fellow shareholder.
This email was sent throughout Canada the USA. SEC and all Authorities should be made aware of Roy Hales, John Thomas, Daniel Wolf, Tad Simmons, Ted Dredger etc. All during a cease in Alberta, Canada and BC Canada. They are sending out insider information to shareholders before it's made public to the rest of the shareholders.