$0.07's Starting to be Taken Out !Trewlaney Acquires Claims surrounding NCM.v TRR Market Cap $615 Million compared to NCM $5 Million.....123 Fold difference. HEads Up. Globe and Mail this AM cited TRR as a Prime Takeover Target by Majors....
Here is some Trelawney Mining and Exploration news just released by Newcastle Minerals
Newcastle Chester Property Update
Newcastle Minerals Ltd
8/11/2011 8:16:02 AM
NewcastleMinerals Ltd. (TSX VENTURE: NCM) is pleased to provide an update on its100% owned Chester Project located in northwestern Ontario, Canada.
Newcastle completed a preliminary four-hole, 1,050-metre diamond drilling programfocusing on targets on the eastern portion of the property in June2011. While no significant gold assays were returned, anomalous gold wasencountered and was dominantly associated with variable degrees of sulfide mineralization, alteration and fracturing in intermediateintrusive (primarily hornblende diorite) and occasionallyintermediate-to-mafic metavolcanic rocks. The alteration and fracturingencountered during drilling may be associated with the "RidoutDeformation Zone," which is an important structural element in the areadescribed in Trelawney Mining and Exploration Inc.'s N.I. 43-101Technical Report on the Cote Lake Deposit. A prospecting and samplingprogram will commence shortly on the Chester Project.
Also ofnote is the staking of 12 mineral claims (consisting of 7,680 acres)inJune 2011 by Trelawney adjoining Newcastle's 15,480-acre Neville/PotierProject to the north. This places two of Newcastle's projects in themiddle of Trelawney's land holdings in the Swayze belt.
Newcastle'sPresident, Michael Romanik, said "We are encouraged by Trelawney's staking to the north of our Neville/Potier Project, validating our focuson the area. With Trelawney's recent takeover bid for Augen Gold,Newcastle's three parcels totaling 17,000 acres adjoining or surroundedby either Trelawney or Augen Gold properties put us in a very strategicposition."
An updatedclaim map of the region is available athttps://goo.gl/WzAS0.
Thetechnical information herein was prepared under the supervision of Mr.Garry Clark, P. Geo., of Clark Exploration Consulting Inc., who acts asNewcastle's Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.
NewcastleMinerals Ltd. is a Canadian gold and base metal exploration companytrading on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSX VENTURE: NCM). The company isadvancing its three key properties: its 120-hectare Carscallen Propertyin the West Timmins area of Ontario, its 11,100-hectare Pickle LakeProperty in northwestern Ontario and its 6,898-hectare property locatedin the Swayze greenstone belt of Ontario near Trelawney Mining andExploration Inc.'s Cote Lake deposit.
Michael Romanik, President