RE: RE: Get over yourselves...moneythree, while your post was certainly useful in the sense that it's always good to take a step back and relook at our investments objectively, in this case the evidence is that LEC is a tiny company with huge upside potential that is actually moving quite quickly on a number of fronts (engineering for commercial-scale plant, patents, deals and agreements, R&D actual results, trial sales, industry partnerships, etc)
More importantly, I would only add that if the company really was going nowhere slowly, it would be surprising to see a number of global (and often industry-leading) companies developping formal industry partnerships/ collaborations/MOUs/Agreements with Lignol... all of which have actually taken place.
Just from 2010 and 2011 I highlight deals/agreements/partnerships with:
Novozymes (world's leading producer of industrial enzymes)
BAE Systems PLC
Pacific Ethanol
PPG Industries
Kingspan Group PLC
Metso Paper USA
A bit of research will show that this is a pretty impressive list for a $9 million company. Wouldn't you agree?
Happy investing!