INSIDERS Sensible view started posting here recently and it would be interesting to know which of his fellow insiders put him up to it. I think my favorite one is that all Isintok needs is some simple math to find its value.
It must be nice to sit around the sunday dinner table with this clan and get the inside scoop on things. A nice little tight knit group, brothers , , cousins, friends, in-laws, past and present colleagues and so on.
With sensible view , the mathematician on board , and yet uncle Gord still has no resource estimate on Isintok. Could it be that he is now ignoring his own insiders wealth of experience.? That could start the whining within. Who does he turn to now " the ex fire chief " ? We could really get hosed now.!!! Talk about dissention amongst the ranks.
With Dixon never being at fault maybe it is just a case of Honest Abe and his forty thieves.
This thing could lead to dirty money.yet.