What a month for stocks.Resource stocks have taken a beating. I have compared owning a few different coal stocks and they all have slid down about the same. This shows the market mentality at this time. For each its a matter of where do you see coal stocks going? If your short term im not sure but long term [ 2 to 5 years] I think the demand and supply factor will kick in again and this will put pressure again on stock prices. Also big coal companies seem to be lining themselves up for this by doing aquisitions now before prices and demand really get heated up. Thats just the way I see it. Funny, WTN shareholders got $100 buck shares of WLT. Now they are worth $75. Sucks but im sure that will change in time. When people relize the world isn't coming to an end, buying will start again. To me, these are great prices for a long term hold. It also shows that most investors are short term or day traders. This has caused these wild swings. Thing is one can't predict what tomorrows going to do or next week. But long term one can see where things are going. Im not paying much attention to all this volitility, as have seen it before. Do your own DD and stick to good stocks. It will pay off in the end. Good luck to all. imo