arpagon291the .03 or .04 only a possibility of a fire sale or panic is not a prediction
you are still in the field with your posts
read one of your posts August 8, 2010
I will agree with you on one thing, you do make a lot of wrong comment and analysis of the situations in front of you...
Your worse one is that the market is never wrong... The fact is that the market is always wrong, because if it was always right, nobody would be investing....
Just go back and read my reply to your grand prediction about AFA going to $ 0,05., you will notice that what I war rigth when I told you that you where coming to the wrong conclusion then..., like you are doing now again...
Felix, your comments about the private placement are not very pertinent, and you seem to lack a clear grasp on the business you are investing in...
Management primary responsibility is insuring that the Corporation has the funds required to advance it project, and that is what the did..
Fact is that AFA, was able to raise $ 1 million hard cash, and this in a very difficult market...
That alone should tell you that other investors, looking at the same information that all investors have are realizing that there is value in the Company...
Your conclusion about the information in the 43-101 is really, once again without any merit...
you are still in error arpagon29 1