RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: NEXT EARNINGSWhat serious investor would pay that when they can pickup shares on the open market at half that price. When you think about it why would they even pay a premium even if its just 2 cents over the market price the day the deal is finalized.... normally when a PP is offered its at a discount to the current price to make it more attractive to the investors. It will be most interesting to see what price they actually determine.
Why for a sec do you think the investors would pay a premium for the stock?! Because INT did not searching for money... the investors want it. That's the way it works. When a corp is looking for financing, they make a discount and in the other hand, when some big pocket wants in and the corp doesn't want, the investors put a premium on it to make more attractive to them for having a scoop of shares...
Then, why paying more when you can buy it on open market for less? Easy question my friend... I will let you some time to think about it....ok... Imagine you want 20M units and you would like to buy on open market... What do you believe the SP will be when you will have finished to buy those 20M shares??
GL anyway if you're here to help people or investing... but you really sound like a rookie my friend...
GLTA actual investors... Long&Strong..