RE: DLKM Conference CallActually, it was early 2006 that I first invested in DLKM. I got my stocks mixed up.
I've been an investor in DLKM since 2004 and have only been invited to one conference call which must have been at least four years ago.
How did you find out about this conference call and how does one get invited to the next one?
Please let me know.
Thank you,
1st-- Urban--great to hear from you: without a doubt - the most optimistic I've heard you in 2 years(give me a shout and catch up) A few good points were covered in a conf. call with Mr. Boaetang and DR. Scheepers on Fri. They actually have results in hand from the 1st holes but are waiting for a bigger sample to present in N.Y. before releasing results. Drilling on the Mag. deposit starts today and since they've been able to fast-track some lab results they're hopeful to have some Mag. results as well as the 1st 7 or 8 holes from Kwan.
They're sending an army to the conf. and as Urban stated you don't have a coming out party wiyh this type of attention unless you got the goods. Mr. Boaetang, Dr. Scheepers, MacDonald, Craig Alford. are all going asw well as a few others. I don't think you send an army into slaughter, so I'm assuming all is good . AllI IMO.
We are finally here Urban--3 weeks from now we'll know one way or the other whether these 3 and 4 years we've waited and sweated we're worth it I for one believe the long wait will prove to be just a longer accumulation period i WAS ABLE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF. Good luck to us all