Q.C At one point in time he must have been honest and upfront to get on queens council. But as we all know all good things must come to an end, so maybe it is time for a review, or is it some old boys club that once your there your there. Through nobodies doing but his own,with his arrogance and greed he has given himself a black eye with his antics with Jasper. And no one can dispute that. so you can throw all that credibility out the window.
This business of getting the reputation that you are an early riser so you can sleep til noon, no questions asked is over. He is obviously out of his element, so he resorts to blowing smoke up investors butts (securities commission also ) month after month, year after year. What puts him above the law.? How ignorant can a person be to take public money from people and not only turn your back on them, but even worse lie to them.? For anyone who thinks they can get anything more than a headache out of going to his annual meeting, forget that. I have attended , not once but twice and if I could tell you one thing from either of them that he said, that came true in the subsequent year I would post it. He tries to hide his arrogance, but fails at that too.