Tx for this reminder: $1900 Gold !Indeed Paracelsus, totally forgot the source material for the mill. 25% CMB owns and option for 50% before end 2013.
From PR May 3, 2011 - 9:28 AM EDT
Currently, PBI has completed the initial development drift and is finishing the raise to the high-grade zone. The last two rounds produced 50 tons per round and demonstrated grades ranging between .5 to 1.0 ounces per ton gold. The production goal of the Radcliff Mine is to sustain 100 tons per day and to stockpile an initial 3000 tons for the Bishop Mill start-up. It is anticipated that ore from the Radcliff Mine will provide 100 percent of the Bishop Mill capacity feedstock from the high grade zone for the next 3 years.
The Bishop Mill is a suitable facility to process the Radcliff Mine ore. Once the approval for the new tailings pond and amended Plan of Operation received, stockpiling of the Radcliff ore will begin. It is anticipated that this will this July.
It was stated by PBI, that the modeled data demonstrated a high-grade zone of 100,000 tons grading 1.0 ounces of gold per ton. The current development plan by PBI is to mine the high grade zone initially for processing at the Bishop facilities than retreat mine the remaining in-place resources.
So did the stockpiling start already? Or approval for the new tailingponds received?