RE: aallpphhaabbeetttt virusI don't know anything about the gripe you two have. I truely believe Dixon has found something of value but unless he can organize his efforts enough to either produce complient reports for 1 area or convince a better equipped entity to buy and devolop the properties knowing it's there won't have any value. I don't know anything about Dixon's heirs but I think if any money is going to be made it will be made by the next generation. I suspect Dixon is a little crazy ( insane, mad, delusional - whatever you want to call it ); he probably thinks that this is his last great project and when he finishes it the challenges of life will be over and he'll be irrelevent and die. If I thought that way and already had buckets of money i probabaly wouldn't be motivated to finish anything either. To me it's really too bad because these actions are ruining his legacy and severely damaging his family relations. I'm still long because I think it will go up but as long as he's in control it won't come close to reaching it's potential.