RE: RE: RE: Mark----re house pos."Canadian insider showed his first purchase @5.09..."
I've mentioned this in another post. However, Canadian insider has Chandler's buying after 10%. He didn't report anything below 10% because he didn't have to. However, prior to 10%, in another post, I've shown that Chandler most likely trades through Morgan Stanley, and about 1/3 of the time anonymously. Based on that, I'm saying his AVERAGE price is probably in that mid to high $5 range. This includes a bunch at aound 4.80. My price per share is consistent with CNBC's assessment of the book value of his position though I'm not sure how their dollar values are arrived at.
I do think Chandler's average buy in price is significant and that if his position is in the red, he'll start to provide support. I also think that given that he's put 1/4 billion dollars into TRE, he'll likely protect his investment in future by buying into bond issues and equity placements. This has been his style in the past. Lots of reading available on
Chandler's not here to lose money. However, he may well quietly accumulate cheap rather than duke it out with some of the other forces around the stock. His timeframe is quite a bit larger than what you'd expect of most of the people on the board -- that could mean that the support will not come as quickly as everyone might like.
I don't think I'm reading too much into anything. Remember that about a week ago, you got quite excited about every anonymous buy/sell on your level II. Today, Morgan Stanley and Anonymous have bought $2.5 million in shares together. That may be some signs of support returning.