Big DealGermini, YOU are like that scraggly hippie walking down the street dessed in a sandwich board handing out flyers and pamphlets that proclaims whatever will buy you a meal at the end of the day... You type and type and type all so YOU can see what you type... the rest of us tune in just to see what's on the sandwich board today... NO ONE actually comprehends your message and it isn't because of it's complexity... YOUR latest tact... comparing ONC to ONTY is akin to comparing an apple to a cabbage... they're both spherical... and that's about where the similarities end... and your complaint about the TSX V. Nasdaq... is like slipping into a hot tub and complaining that the water is hot... NO ONE ever used force to enlist another person's participation in the market... and NO one has ever used force to keep another IN the market...
IT isn't the market place that is to blame for your misery... it's you... 1. for getting involved.. 2. for remaining involved...
It's MY opinion git yer own folks... tune in tomorrow when Germini blames the moon moving into aquarius for the bread molding on his kitchen counter and how that is making shares in ONC rise to Historic levels...