RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: WPX CostigI agree somewhat, but a company like WPX (Vancouver, B.C.) you wouldn't catch on their knees pleeding they want to be a big part of what goes down on that site. we dont think that you should speculate potash one to be just the same strategy as WPX. Really, like cmon man.
We like Westerns approach on everything, they've got til 2015 to get financing theres no rush. THey're just focused on being WAY ahead in hopes of getting financing soon. WHen they do they wont be on their knees begging for it, I can tell you that much, Especially this early in their game. Lets see what happens closer to 2015 and get some good buys at this low buck. Canadian Dollar, New rise! POWER! Go Sask.