Maybe a U.S. BNC poster......might want to forward this Profile and stats, released by the U.S. Census Bureau today, to the USDA to nudge them. And, pls also remind the USDA a "better" vaccine for e. coli exists and awaits their approval.
It would also be good for politics between the two countries if the USDA approved Econiche. I can't recall too many other countries that produce GMs also coming to GM's re$cue in 2009. We'll take this approval as a "healthy" sign of continued win/win cooperation. rg
U.S Census Bureau, Profile America — Tuesday, August 30th. There have been an increasing number of disturbing stories in the last few years about people made ill by tainted meat. Millions of pounds of meat have been recalled and many Americans have become familiar with the name of the bacteria e-coli.These incidents have come in spite of a rigorous federal meat inspection program and have prompted calls for a review of policies for dealing with meat identified as having problems. The first meat inspection law passed by Congress was approved on this date in 1890, but was limited to products and animals intended for export. Americans now eat an average of 61 pounds of beef each year, along with 46 pounds of pork and 73 pounds of poultry.