RE: RE: Pericles - Input PleaseGermini AKA Singing... obvioulsly doesn't consider facts or company presentations relevant to HIS need to wander this blog dressed only in his "jesus boots" soiled BVD's, dreds, and sandwich board proclaiming his pathetic investment strategy ...what is it.. oh.. yes BUY high sell low and borrow money to BUY high again... and hope to convince any stranger unlucky enough to happen across this blog that... the world is filled with evil boogeymen that will soon seperate them from their money JUST by posting on THIS blog... LOL LOL LOL...
I HAVE noticed that his posts are coming in at specific times of the day... leads me to believe that perhaps his family has seen fit to inter him somewhere where HE is only allowed to pound on a keyboard as a reward... possibly for being a good boy and taking meds at the proper time... JUST MY theory... is it any less valid than yours Germini???
dear readers please do not frown upon Germini... simply offer your condolences to his family and friends... what a terrible burden they MUST have...
it's MY opinion git yer own.
oh.. yess... don't mind the sarcasm Germini... it's all about entertainment... after all isn't that YOUR purpose???