RE: New Results for the Contact Zone - SWJ? Josa:RE from Yahoo:"Today's news (9-07-11) about the southern zone assay results reflects well on potential continuing increase in reserves. If this was just an exploration company that would be good, but since production is in progress and increasing the news is even better. " [S] Give the shareholders a spin-off in the, "Zone147 Exploration Company". Sitting at 400m and open OS & DD? , "Leff er go for the gullies"."Let+her+go+for+the+gullies"&hl=en&ei=XSloTuicMOS50AGg_LjGCw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q="Let%20her%20go%20for%20the%20gullies"&f=falseBWDIK?