PLET is a Competitor gr8day44...There is very little you can find on competition unless you really dig.
Try and google high quality lignin (producers) and you can start your dd there. You'll find that there has been quite the advancement in technology in producing chemicals from biomass which can and should hopefully replace petroleum based resins etc.
What my point has been with regards to Lignol, is that they aren't the only fish in the Cellulosic chemical market, as they have been touting they are more advanced than most because of their pilot scale plant.
Well, I guess for their competitors that don't have a pilot scale plant, Lignol is much more advanced, but unfortunately Lignol is not ahead of competitors such as PLET who will commence construction in Jasper Tennessee of a full scale commercial biorefinery this Fall, nor other companies that already produce high quality lignin, cellulose and foundry resins from biomass.
Lignol needs to get the ball rolling in order to play catch up, and I hope their company has a competitive edge when they start larger scale commercial production in the next couple years.
Anyway, try using google and if you want to read about PLET here is the link. PLET is currently a private company but they are planning an IPO in the future. atb
The above article is from April of this year.