verde hitting the pavementThe company was at the Ocean Equities Conference this week, basically two whole days of one on ones with institutions. Next week they are at a conference in Canada:
Adam Lucas, Ocean Equities(9/5/11)"Based on the preliminary economic assessment (PEA), Verde Potash'sCerrado Verde ThermoPotash project is extremely attractive with aninternal rate of return of 32.9% and 40.2% for a 1.1 Mtpa and 2.2 Mtpascenario. . .with further resource upgrades from the remaining targets,the company is approaching a resource in excess of 2 Bt. potentially upto 3 Bt. of K20 resource: When comparing a resource of this magnitude tothe resource of 105 Mt. that was used to calculate the PEA, there isgoing to be significant uplift in the mine life and potentially anincrease in the scale of the operation which will have substantialimplications on the net present value of the first phase of theproject.