RE: RE: Why SMF is up today?Thanks psl01 for your insight.
I know SMF used to be Kevin Maclean's Sentry Precious Metal Fund's largest holding (I invested in that fund in the past). However, I lost track after they don't publish that information any more. Anyway, it's good to know he still supports SMF.
Due to the poor performace of SMF this year (until recently) I have scaled back on my SMF holding to just 40% of my original investment. It's ironic that the investment that you have written off for dead is now the one that keeps your losses in check right now. It shows us what goes around comes around.
I just hope that, as you said, the shorters/hedge funds have moved on to fight their other losses (good on them) and have stopped plaguing SMF.
It should be interesting to see the next report on the number of SMF shares shorted.