Billions $$ for Iron OreBig question is who are the advisors to Zone Resources.
Who would want to add more Iron Ore to their reserve...
How much did TATA Steel propose to invest in NML
ANS: Just buy the hell out of ZNR..... IMHO and ask questions later
French: Québec: projet chinois de 13 G$ dans le Grand Nord
English: Quebec: Chinese project $ 13 billion in the North
La Presse Canadienne . les . 18-09-2011 (modifié le 18-09-2011 à 19:27)
English: The Canadian Press. the 18-09-2011 (modified 18-09-2011 19:27)
French: La société d'État chinoise Wisco espère construire d'ici 2016 un gigantesque complexe minier de 13 milliards $ dans le Grand Nord québécois.
English: The corporation hopes to build Chinese Wisco by 2016 a huge mining complex $ 13 billion in Northern Quebec.
French: En partenariat avec la société canadienne Adriana Resources, Wisco (Wuhan Iron And Steel Group Corp.) veut réaliser au Nunavik le plus grand projet minier de l'histoire du Canada.
English: In partnership with Adriana Resources Canada, Wisco (Wuhan Iron And Steel Group Corp.) Wants to achieve in Nunavik's largest mining project in the history of Canada.