New Mines In BC.I was reading the Northern Miner the other day and started to muse on the prospect of a new mine in BC. One where there is not just an extention of existing mining but an actual new beginning. Copper Mtn of course is an extention and received a go ahead but new mines like Taseko's "New Prosperity" mine where it was first rejected and now they have re-issued a new mine workings that adds $300 million to overal capital spending. Has their been any new mines like BKM/Taseko's Properity accepted in this province over the last few years because if there is I can't remember?
Can you imagine an additional $300 million to capital spending for Prosperity in order to appease when BKM will be spending $500 million +/- for a modern up to date mining operation. There is no doubt their is value here for not only as invested shareholders but the communities that are starving for actual real work projects where somebody can plan a future.
What a great opportunity for both Provincial and Federal polititions and bureaucrats to get this new project up and running without rejecting it out of hand, but actually work with all parties concerned to see this project through to production. I beleive there is far too much riding on the importance of this project for the communities in the surrounding areas to just say a flat out no.
I also hope, at least for the communities involved, that the potential purchase of this project doesn't just stick this project into their back pocket as future reserves and not proceed with mine developement. I also hope that we, and by we I mean BKM, don't proceed with mine developement because it would be excruciating slow and I don't think I could stomach another year or two or three waiting and waiting and waiting!
On another note I was pondering the eventual sale of this project and also the rush to sell shares into the market. With such a low number of shares outstanding and the fact that there are a few share holders with very deep pockets with a majority of shares; we won't be arguing about what the eventual price of each share is worth but who gets out first. A fair priced quick closing buy out is what I'm looking for and let someone else make some money too.