cannacord: 475 Keith Carpenter of Cannacord actually reduced his target for MBC the day that MBC began its spike. When priced at 2.34, he assigned a target of 475. Although that was a reduction, its still a two bagger. However, i think that the market is rewarding MBC more than he is. We have held up very well during a terrible week, one in which 2008 redux has been frequently mentioned. Anyways, here is one part of Cannacord's report, it will be interesting to see if recent news has altered anything for them. Financing updateThe company continues to work towards finalized term sheets with both the IFC andBanco Itau. We understand from management that the IFC is moving forward with thefinal terms of the previously announced equity financing which will provide the companywith $35 million in capital. The IFC has also been progressing on the associated debtfinalization. Banco Itau has scheduled a board meeting for early October to review theMBAC debt, where we expect the process to move to the final stage wherein the companyattains access to the funds later that month (US$150 million in total debt from bothparties). As a result of the recent decline in the share price, we have assumed a lower price at which the IFC equity will be raised versus our previous assumption. Consequently, this has reduced our NAVPS to C$4.77 from C$4.91.