Here we rYou have to uderstand one thing:
Sorros does not care about you or any other shareholders - but he does care about his real assets - which are held by LFD.
THis is a pure punishment and eventual overthrow of mngt and weak shareholder to what i believe an end result whereby Sorros owns this company to the point where either Red shilds buy or BP.
I don;t think it's ending ownership will end up in the US. US and IRAK is like nazi gold, Transfer of these assets will eventually fall into the EURopean boys hands - without a doubt - this iwll be pay back for US being the glut of the world for so long.
Whatever happens, just remember - the possibility of bankrupcy or any other going concern issue without the
.40 cent shareholders getting a return is 2% mabie.
NEver forget that major crisis are only braught upon us for rich people to buy assets at penny's on the dollar - THis is one of them!!
take care.