RE: Titan expectationsMudguy, if you take a break from this board, I'll understand completely -- I did for several months, and prior to that, I only posted when I had something meaningful to say. If only everyone else would follow that rule, we'd be a lot better off. This board has become like a religious cult and I have little tolerance for being treated like a 4 year old child, especially by rich folks who can sit at their computer all day and santimoniously preach to the rest of us about how we've all got to be patient, don't complain, BUY NOW, trust me because I have a direct line to Elmer and things are about to turn around now that it's quarter end, etc etc.
I agree with you 100% that there is way to much hype going on right now about the pending Titan results, just like in the summer everybody was beside themselves with excitement to look at the aeromag diagrams, and when they finally came, were we better off? Probably we were worse off rather than better, because the pretty pictures with all those colourful zones gave lots of opportunity for pompous self-proclaimed experts to tell us about how we now have 3.5 Schaft Creek deposits, or whatever. When I was a less experienced investor I was excited about Copper Fox using cutting edge deep imaging technology, but as I look at websites of other resource companies I see that lots of companies have published Titan results or aeromag drawings on their websites, and, son of a gun, doesn't every one of those drawing show lots of colourful blobs, just like ours do.
Best of wishes, and if you don't return here, maybe we'll meet on a more rational and civilized board of some other stock!