All ideas are great We must remember agreements can be changed due to times changing. The penny stocks are famous for making people poor. The rules are made for the insiders to pick your pockets. They can sell you shares when the price is going up and you keep buying. They SHORT the shares at the top when all your friends are telling you this is going higher and when they see that there is no more buyers they pull the support and then use naked shorts along with all the the shares they sold short to you on the way up to drive the price down and very seldom does anyone step in to support the share price until everyone is happy and then the stock will drift. Its sad but this is the way markets work. Compare it to Casinos the house always wins more than it pays out.This happens to the majority of stocks.You must have the time to hold on if your underwater and believe that someday it may be a mine.You may be tired of these kind of stories but this is true. When PINE POINT was drilled in the 50's the stock went as high as $43.00 and this drifted all the way back to .15 cents and sat for years and you could buy it but nobody wanted it. It eventually was a very successful mine but the share price never came back to $43.00 I like CUU too but I don't know when to buy it back.I wish everyone success.In the winter time they have a watchman up there. If you know geology maybe take your snowmobile up there and pay him a visit.