RE: DrillingFrom DLKM's Rodman $ Renshaw presentation:
"The geophysics indicates that the ore zone or zone is extending for at least 800 meters." (time 08:16)
T]he Canaco property ...ore zone is round about 800 meters.
We've extended this now for another 800 meters." (time 08:29)
"The eastward extension of Magambazi
is a reality. It is there. We are satisfied we have intersected gold. We have shown where the ore zone is continuing." (time 18:53)
"Magambazi (Handeni East)
Two drill holes have been completedon the Magambazi East target, MZD-01 and MZD-02, and verifiable assayresults have been received for MZD-01. Results for MZD-02 are stillpending. MZD-01 is located 330 meters ESE (east southeast) of Canaco'seastern borderline and is part of our approximately 800 meter longgeophysical and geochemical anomaly with an ESE strike direction andappears to be an extension from Canaco's anomaly on Magambazi Hill.Potential mineralized zones with thicknesses of 59.1 meters and 65.8meters, respectively, were intersected within less than 37 meters fromsurface in both drill holes. Anomalous gold was encountered in MZD-01over a 10 meter thick zone, within 33.5 to 43.5 meters, with singlevalues of up to 26 g/t and 12.3 g/t in 0.5 meter sampled intersections."
News Release of September 12, 2011
Further drill holes are part of the continuing 5000 meter program at the Magambazi target. (R&R presentation webcast, supra, time 19:37)