Going Up?This continues to be one hell of a ride. I remember seeing prices this low before and each time I have had a different feeling. In early 2009, I was hopeful. In Summer 2010 I was very depressed and now in Fall 2011, I am reinvigorated.Sure, it would be fantastic if the market would stop punching me in the face every day and making even my good stocks look ugly. That would make me even more cheerful.BUT, little SSS continues to glimmer beneath the tarnish of the last 16 months.If you can recall the feelings above then you are also some of the select group who refuse to believe that this is just a smoke screen. Some would have you believe that we are being bamboozled by Mr. Allen and I for one think that is just a load of crap. It is baseless and without merit and anyone who claims otherwise is exposing themselves as liars and fear-mongers with one motive in mind. Lower share prices.We have had a rough and rather dormant period since May 2010 and now we have a plan and a new leader in David Allen. He is taking a very different approach and it is an approach that is much needed. Mr. Allen is a BIG deal. He is polished, connected, brilliant as a money-man and tenacious when he has his eye on a prize. He knows how to make deals. He knows when to make deals and he has plenty of ideas for how those deals need to be structured so that he doesn’t just dilute the hell out of a stock to get there. He is not a medical man. That, to me, is great. We need them but not in this role.Dr. Stiller is a great medical man and is one of the main architects behind the funds that government agencies have available to help support growth through acquisition and development of Canadian biotechnology. If it is done properly, we can get government money to help acquire and grow as a company because it is part of the purpose of the fund in the first place. As Mr. Allen states in the video. It would seem that we have the keys to the treasury, we just need to see if we know how to turn the lock. Dr. Stiller was one of the locksmiths that built the lock. I am just saying what was said in other words in the video. This is not pumping.Good ideas and good connections make great partners.Then there is Dr Friesen. Certainly, I am not qualified to sing his praises. He is a medical giant.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUsW1Ifxe40Watch this video if you have 10 minutes. Even if you decide that SSS is not for you, you cannot deny after watching this that we are in the company of greatness and you feel proud just knowing that there are brilliant Canadians like that doing great leading-edge thinking. The fact that a man of this stature has decided that he is willing to have SSS and his reputation be associated together tells me that he is a believer in the concept of partnering to develop regenerative therapies. By joining with us and sharing his wisdom with our board, he is declaring that SSS is the horse to bet on in the race. His work with the Canadian Institute of Health Research is something that would be supported by the types of acquisitive moves that Mr. Allen is working on. The logic seems clear enough. You have giants in the field who see it as a good thing to have a Canadian company petitioning the government or other private agencies for funds to support Canadian academics and scientists as they discover and develop Made-In-Canada solutions that will be useful for the entire world. These will have commercial value which will result in a sustainable ‘partner-of-choice’ status for the company that is able to facilitate this synergistic system. Namely, Stem Cell Therapeutics.Do I know it will come true? No.Do I believe it will? Yes.Do your own DD of course, but don’t forget to value the power of professional networks and reputations as you do it, because SSS is SO MUCH MORE than just a 5 or 6 cent share price.HnG