Looks like they are starting apetition. https://www.facebook.com/wolfemerlin?sk=wall
We find Chief Bellerose is not looking after his bandmembers best interests pertaining to Encanto Potash Corporation. We havenot had an Internal audit of our band owned entities. Chief Bellerosewould like our vote for the designation of our land for the Potash deal.He cannot tell his own members of the business dealings of our own bandentities.
We would like to see his proven track record of how these band ownedentities are progressing. Chief Bellerose has not consulted with allband members as to the development of the potash business. ChiefBellerose has not consulted with Elders from our own First Nation. Wetherefore ask for Chief Bellerose, Council members, and administrationstaff, their resignations.
Dated October 8, 2011
Minister of Aboriginal Affairs
October 8, 2011
Muskowekwan First Nation, Saskatchewan
We the undersigned, without malice, and with full understanding andclear volition, have no confidence in and do demand the resignation ofReginald Bellerose, Chief of Muskowekwan First Nation, Saskatchewan, hiscouncil members, and his administration.
We the undersigned demand the department of Aboriginal Affairs to beginimmediate investigation with a Forensic audit on Chief Bellerose,including all actions pertaining to all band businesses: One EarthFarms; Muskowekwan Restaurant and Convenience Store; Bingo Hall; MRL;and all band entities owned by Muskowekwan First Nation including Landsand the TLE Lands.