RE: RE: RE: RE: CAN can't even get over $2 LOLToo funny, if a little brash.
You are like the anti Ike, and thats about all the positives I can say about you.
Your criticisms are vague and lack substance.
for example, what "peers" are you referring to that CAN is performing so poorly compared to?
I know you made a good call on ROG, but lets face it, they came out with assays of 2oz per ton with visible gold and advertised having 10 or 11 other assays pending where the same visible gold was present....the stock sold off on this news to around .85
It didnt take a genius to make this buy, and I'm sure if CAN came up with some grades like that they would like have an even bigger bump than the delayed one that ROG had...
I made this same play, from .88 as a no brainer...meaning you dont need much more than common sense and some due dilligence to make it.
I'm very curious, as even at it's current level CAN is still one of thetop percentage gainers on the .v since this market started to get a little more active back in the summer of 2010.
I follow A LOT of african gold companies and I would love to know, short of the anomaly ROG was, what deals are you comparing CAN to?