RE: aren't you the same tumbleweed i told before ?You gonna pick a fight with anyone who doesn't stroke your ego Lou?
You remind me A LOT of that idiot Johndefur...smarter than no one.
Don't recall "telling people NOT TO BUY IF THEY ARE INVOLVED"?
Pretty sure I said I'd rather Pathway, a.k.a. Joe Dwek, stay away from KWG.
You're the one bragging about their involvement...explain why you see it as a good thing, knowing how they took the "lowball offer" from Cliff's for SPQ.
Nice to know you keep private inboxes from the past in case you want to publicize them...classy.
I HAD some respect for you at the time of that communication...but, WOW, you sure fixed that.
And you are right, "people here need to become aware of who you talk too and listen to their advice !!!"....beware the bullboard bully!!