RE: Spectrum cores vs. CIN coresIf you go over the maps and geologists reports, Spectrum mostly drill SYENITE. That's where they got their grade.
This area is composed or Carbonatite and Syenite for REE. Either can contain REE. I was just trying to say in some of these posts. If you want to duplicate Spectrum drilling results ? Then be sure to drill the Syenite.
I am not at all sure that the core that was paraded around last year, was an actual CIN drill core. I don't recall reading at all which hole they claimed it came from. In fact, the HYPE started before the drill program was complete.
I do believe they had a sample from the Carbo/Wicheeda area.
If these cores don't reveal a good find. They are not likely to find anything productive at Carbo.
Say, where is any news on the other properties ?
This is a crap shoot.