mooreman IIHow much time did you spend in the bush to lose your memory? Over the past 2 days you've referenced me and inthenews 3 times.
Please explain your post from the summer. Maybe sometime you can explain how the Pridemore report contradicted Slam's summer drilling program:
"Thanks to mooreman for posting this if he chooses. If he doesn't I understand. I chose to send this to him because of the respect that many seem to hold for him. He's also someone I feel I can trust.
First of all I have no idea why I've lost my id. I've tried to create 4 different ids over the last week and seem to lose them now as quick as I create them. I sent this to mooreman immediately after I created my last id. I have posted but they have gotten removed. I don't have multiple ids, though did have another a couple years ago (onlesxl). Just didn't see the benefits so let it expire. Technical difficulty? Hopefully. I've sent a message to SH but with no response yet.
Speaking of multiple ids...beware of the weasels on this board that do have them. No doubt everyone is aware of stoploss and his rash of ids he's had over the year, magnumforce, hamandeggs, steakandeggs, taylorsfailure,edwoodprowd, paidincash, kingof..., jackof.... it goes on and on. Interesting that he started off spamming like crazy and is now out and out bashing. Was the spamming intended to be negative all along? It won't be long until he loses this id then comes back. He also bashes on the URP, Rubicon, AXM, EVG boards. The moment he comes back he immediately ignores a number of us. That's why I suggested to Stockhouse that his ignore list be emptied when he loses his id.
remember there's a reason why he's here and others are working hard as well on the bashing side of things. Others are playing games as well. LuckyVP is the biggest weasel of them all. Notice how his position has changed. He was once so positive and is now siding with the spammer often praising or agreeing with him. mallgirl believed or believes that he was either the same person or working together with the spammer/basher now stoploss. That is why she left his little private SXL board and many others eventually followed. His attempt to control the message backfired on him. I would also be wary of megaman. flubber with a i worked to get the sp down and megaman works it up. I know because I started inboxing flubber (with an i) and we exchanged messages. Trying to get in his head and see what he was all about. After I posted something from the Eabametoong website...the agreement to give up their mining rights...flubber witha n i asked where I got the info. from. Since then megaman has been posting info from the site. All of these people and more could very well be the same or justworking together. oldbab I'm still not sure. jsnfernley was another one. remember how he showed up, was full of knowledge much like these others seem to be, saying all kinds of negative things about the results, etc. just like LuckyVP now but themn he blew it when he said that most of the nash deep hole was above ground!
I can still keep an eye on the weasels but can't post when I pick up on their slipups so I just want everyone else to be cautious. There's a reaon why their here and are picking up the level of negativity. Something is up and has been for some time with Nash. Mines just don't happen. They can and do take several years to develop.
Everyone has said how approachable Mike Taylor and Brian are. So why don't the bashers simply call them to get their answers? Na. Why get the truth? Maybe they already have it and that's why their picking up the pace. If nothing else you should call the co. if you have questions. Remember read all posts with caution especially those from the people I mentioned.
Looking forward to a great exploration season and developments on our properties."